Hike #6/20 | Highline Trail
This past Saturday we hiked our sixth hike of the year on a new trail. For those of you just tuning in, I'll fill you in on what exactly this means to us. We made a New Year's Resolution to go on twenty hikes in 2016, but the rule was the trails all had to be new to us, ones that we haven't been on yet.
It's not like we're hiking addicts (or experts), but we do like to be pretty active and I had this [brilliant] idea that we would get to see more of Arizona if we made a commitment to exploring new places. I've lived here for eight years and counting and I had never even been to the Grand Canyon! Can you believe that?! (Don't worry, I did finally go see it for the first time on Memorial Day weekend. I'll save that story for another time, but it involves pulling an all-nighter!) My point is, I was hoping that by setting this goal for 2016, it would get us out of the house to see some new parts of this gorgeous desert state that we call home.
So, fast forward back to present day. We've now hiked 6/20 new trails. Yup. It's August, the year is more than half over, and we aren't even halfway to our goal yet. But that does not mean I'll give up! You should see my iCalendar.....just busting with event after event after event, every. single. weekend. If there's not a baby shower or a camping trip or a group of friends visiting, there is a hike scheduled. (I've had to delete all of my "sleep all day" events. I'll sleep when I'm dead right?)
The stats:
Location: Pine, AZ
Trail: Highline Trail (part of the Arizona Trail)
Distance: 8 miles *
*This is just the part that we hiked. Like I said, we aren't experts. Please don't read into this as an accurate calculation of the length of the trail. All I know is we were on Highline Trail and we hiked 4 miles in, turned around, and hiked the 4 miles back out. At mile 3, we said "let's just go one more mile and THEN turn around!" By mile 6 I was a little delirious—we live in AZ and even up north where it's a few degrees cooler, that sun gets HOT. But then my FitBit cue (AKA my "FitBitch" - don't be offended) said we had hit mile 7 and I just about full-on sprinted that last mile just to sit down in the boiling hot car.
There you have it! Stay tuned for Hike #7/20. Coming soon.