Hike #7 & 8/20 | Pyramid & Papago
In the last two weekends we’ve gone on two more hikes! Here’s my recap:
Hike #7/20 was Pyramid Trail. The reviews on my All Trails app said it was flat for the first mile and then a steady incline. They. Weren’t. Kidding. The reviews said to start early (especially in the middle of August). Again, they weren’t kidding. But the reviews also said the hike was totally worth it and, I’m happy to report, it was! Not so much in the “breathtaking views” department, but in the “work up a sweat” department. Nailed it!
We really had to push ourselves (just kidding, Kevin was fine, but I had to really push myself), and it was one of those trails that had constant switchbacks up the inclines. It was an out and back trail (look at me finally learning some hiking lingo) and by the time we were only one mile away from the car, I was saying something along the lines of, “Are you kidding me, does this ever end.” Probably throw in some curse words too…sometimes I can’t help myself. Especially when I’m dripping sweat in 96 degrees. Fun times though!
The stats:
Location: South Mountain
Trail: Pyramid Trail
Distance: 6.3 miles
Hike #8/20 was Double Butte Loop Trail. I’m not going to bore you with details because this one is actually found at Papago Park, and everyone has been there. Yes, I’ve lived in Arizona for eight years and this was the first time I truly hiked around the buttes. (Insert monkey-covering-face emoji). It was short and sweet, like me. I have been around there lots of times but never to do a real work-out kind of hike. It’s full of people even in August, but it’s mostly flat which makes it awesome for running! Plus you can go off trail and not get lost since it’s basically in the middle of the city. And lots of great photo ops too, really really gorgeous!
The stats:
Location: Papago Park
Trail: Double Butte Loop Trail
Distance: 2.4 miles
Only 12 more hikes to the big goal!!!